creative and technical modelling update 19/10/18

This is my current model and how far I have gotten with it, we can see its starting to resemble the king tiger alot more then previous screenshots, I have added another gun emplacement onto the tank and curved it to give it that iconic look, next lesson I am hoping to be able to get the tracks onto the tank.


baking is where you add detail to the high poly model then bake it onto the low poly model by transferring, to do this transfer you need to make sure both models are overlapping each other and then select both to do the transfer.

how we bake poly models is that you first add detail to the high poly model and then overlap it with the low poly model and then transfer its detail onto the low poly model, it is to stop things like real bad lag and system crashes from happening when trying to run said project.

baking is to stop the game from having bad lag strains on the system itself, the all point is that you can put a bake onto a low poly model and it will look just as detailed as the high poly version thus creating less strain on the system.

Add all normal maps and bake images.C2C1C3.PNGking tiger snip.PNG


What I wanted to work on was a King tiger from world war 2 which I chose to do historic for my subject, the reason of why I chose this is because of how fascinating the world war is, so with this i had to create both a high and low poly model and bake the high onto the low while adding detail in the later stages, I further saw this as an opportunity to improve upon my modelling skills as that is my highest skill set along with animation.

Finally I get to what my project idea was and that was to make a king tiger which I have pulled off and finished just on time, to bring the king tiger to life I did extensive research on its guns, Armour, how many was made during its manufacturing time.

I managed my time by putting my work into sections on what I need to work on, how ever I found my time management to be a bit difficult on certain parts of the project, for example i found it painful when trying to model the tank with UVs and working on the track part itself.

How I made this project work and get it finished was that in the beginning I made two simple rectangles and a tube then I molded and shaped it up to resemble that of a tank, I started to add both versions of the model by making on low and the other high.

In the middle of the development of my tank is that I started to work onto the the details of the tank which included the small gun placements, the tracks, lights, etc.

I started to struggle on this part of development that being because I had to work around how to make the tracks work well with the tank, This was the part with the UVing also, which was the hardest part for me, this is because of trying to fit all the parts of the tank into on small box to get the texturing to wrap around the tank just fine.

The ending of the project was where I started to work on baking the models together, to do this I had to use Photoshop on the texturing part and the mapping for the baking, after completing these task I then put both models together and transferred the normal map of the high poly onto the low poly, after this I checked over everything to make sure it is complete and after another lesson of checking it was complete.

The problems I encountered during this project was painful, the main ones I had was the track and the UVing of the tank, to get around such problems I make small rectangle boxes and circles, then I started to copy and paste them onto the track part itself, what I had to do with the UVing part was reshape all the parts of the tank to fit into the small box and that had taken quite long because of the amount there was.

Another problem is the time management, I feel that i didn’t work around it well enough because of those two major problems.

I feel that the project went well despite the problems I had in the run, I feel i could of done better on the course when it comes to UVing and modelling certain parts, for this I will practice in my spare time to prepare for future projects.

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